Customer Special Projects

We focus ourselves on special buildings such as airport, hotels, business centers, luxurious residence, hospitals, museums and special production plants.

Every building has is own kind of door types and fire regulations.

As Alldoors we have the knowledge to define which type of fire doors, frame and ironmongery needs to be applied.

It’s the strength of Alldoors to be already involved in the early stage of project (design) in order to work out the most economical fire door solutions as per original design stage.

We have done so many special projects such as Oil Gas Projects, Hotels of various brands like Hilton, Airport projects like Doha and Oman, Museums like National museums in Kazakhstan, Exhibition Centers like Doha Education Center.

See for more specific projects in our reference list.

Specifications of Fire Doors

In every country different fire norms apply and are described in the fire strategy report of the building. Therefore based on the fire rating standards such as

European norms/ British norms/ Din norms/ Gost norms and American norms different door types and designed will be applied.

Depending on the type of building and budget Alldoors will advice the contractor which fire rating norm can be applied in combination with the fire strategy report.

After evaluation of the fire specifications, floor plans and functionality of the areas we propose a door and hardware schedule.

As Alldoors we follow up your complete approval process including documents and sampling.  When Alldoors is involved into the approval process we prevent expensive Door Solutions by your client as well.

Based on this door schedule we prepare a budget price.

After agreement on a basic price level Alldoors will prepare all the approval documents in order to get final approval from client. 

Prepare Door and Ironmongery Schedule

After evaluation of the fire specifications, floor plans and functionality of the areas we propose a door and hardware schedule.

As Alldoors we follow up your complete approval process including documents and sampling.  When Alldoors is involved into the approval process we meet with the consultant. Our idea is to convince the consultant to use basic door and hardware solutions to prevent high increases in price/budget for our client.

Especially in this process Alldoors can bring huge savings. Consultants do propose often expensive solutions and there are overseen by people who are not experts in doors and ironmongery, leading to increase high door prices.

Based on the approved door and hardware schedule we prepare our final pricing.